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MXene-based nanomaterials for supercapacitor applications: New pathways for the future

  • Nishu Devi
  • Samarjeet Singh Siwal


MXenes have captivated investigators in methodical and technical areas towards different implementations, such as energy storage appliances, supercapacitors (SCs) and elastic batteries. The utilization of pristine MXenes and their nanomaterial in multiple types of SCs is cumulative due to their outstanding automatic, physicochemical, optical, electric, and electrochemical effects. Due to their exceptional electric performance, better mechanical strength, different practical clusters, and ample interlayer space, MXene-based nanomaterials (NMs) have demonstrated binding energy-storage capacity. In this review article, we have shown the timelines and progress in the synthesis methods over time and applications of MXene-based nanomaterials (NMs) in supercapacitors (SC). Lastly, we have concluded the theme with the future outlook in this field.



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How to Cite

MXene-based nanomaterials for supercapacitor applications: New pathways for the future. (2022). Nanofabrication, 7, 165-173.

How to Cite

MXene-based nanomaterials for supercapacitor applications: New pathways for the future. (2022). Nanofabrication, 7, 165-173.




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