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Electroless selective deposition of gold nano-array for silicon nanowires growth

  • E. Ruiz-Gomes
  • C. Herrier
  • A. Benkouider
  • P. Sudraud
  • A. Delobbe
  • A. Ronda
  • I. Berbezier


Nanopatterns of gold clusters on a large surface of oriented Si(111) substrates, from the galvanic displacement of gold salt (via the spontaneous reduction of AuCl4-), are demonstrated in this work. The Si substrate is patterned by Focused Ion Beam (FIB) prior to being dipped in a gold solution. Here, we show that these patterns lead to successful control of the position and size of gold clusters. Sequential patterning reveals a powerful maskless alternative to surface preparation prior to Si nanowire growth.



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How to Cite

Electroless selective deposition of gold nano-array for silicon nanowires growth. (2013). Nanofabrication, 1, 1-7.

How to Cite

Electroless selective deposition of gold nano-array for silicon nanowires growth. (2013). Nanofabrication, 1, 1-7.





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Copyright (c) 2013 E. Ruiz-Gomes, C. Herrier, A. Benkouider, P. Sudraud, A. Delobbe, A. Ronda, I. Berbezier

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