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Nano-remediation for the decolourisation of textile effluents: A review

  • Sangita Yadav
  • Sunita Punia
  • Hardeep Rai Sharma
  • Asha Gupta


The economic development of any nation leads to the depletion of its natural resources, and water is one of them. Water pollution caused by various industries like food, leather, and textile etc. causes severe impacts on the environment and humans. To ensure water availability to the whole world, contaminated water released from industries, mainly fabric, must be treated and reused. The conventional techniques alone are not enough to treat textile effluent completely. This is why nanotechnology should be combined with these traditional techniques. Nanotechnology includes engineered nanoparticles for the alteration and detoxification of contaminants. Compared to nanoparticles produced from conventional techniques, biogenic nanoparticles are environmentally friendly and cost-efficient. Microbes such as Rhodotorula mucilaginosa, Hypocrealixii, Bacillus species, Pseudomonas aeuginosa etc., are used to fabricate nanoparticles. Among various microbes, bacteria are considered a bio-factory for the fabrication of nanoparticles. Different researchers reported an average dye removal efficiency of biogenic nanoparticles between 87% and 92%. When nanoparticles are applied to actual textile waste water rather than synthetic dye, waste water gives good results through the adsorption process. In this review, various methods for dye degradation are explained, but the focus is on the biological treatment of textile waste water in combination with nanotechnology.



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How to Cite

Nano-remediation for the decolourisation of textile effluents: A review . (2022). Nanofabrication, 7, 217-243.

How to Cite

Nano-remediation for the decolourisation of textile effluents: A review . (2022). Nanofabrication, 7, 217-243.


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