Advisory Board 2


John M Dyke

John Dyke’s research focuses on the role of reactive intermediates in atmospheric chemistry and combustion as studied experimentally using spectroscopy and kinetics, and supported computationally by electronic structure calculations. Photoionization and photoexcitation methods using lasers, synchrotron radiation and laboratory discharge sources are used to monitor and probe reactive intermediates in the gas-phase. 


Kent Anderson


Kent Anderson is the former editor-in-chief of The Scholarly Kitchen (as well as its founder), a former SSP Board member, and a past President of SSP. In 2011, he received the SSP’s Distinguished Service Award, the organization’s highest honor. Kent has a BA in English and an MBA. He is CEO of RedLink, a startup devoted to helping librarians and publishers “see what they’re missing.” He is the founder of Caldera Publishing Solutions, and has been Publisher at AAAS/Science, CEO/Publisher for the Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery, Publishing Director for the New England Journal of Medicine, and Director of Medical Journals for the American Academy of Pediatrics.