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Brain metastasis from non-small cell lung cancer: management and prognosis of primary lung tumor resection

  • Donghang Li
  • Hongfeng Tong
  • Yaoguang Sun
  • Qingjun Wu
  • Chao Ma
  • Wenxin Tian
  • Chuan Huang
  • Hanbo Yu
  • Yi Tian
  • Peng Jiao


Brain metastases (BM) will develop in 30-50% of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients in the course of their illness. Systemic treatment is recommended for most advanced-stage NSCLC patients with BM but the prognosis remains poor. The prognosis and management of primary lung tumor resection are still a debated topic in this complex clinical setting. The present study will gather and review related research evidence. The survival benefit, patient selection and proper surgical strategy of primary lung tumor resection will be summarized and discussed in the treatment for NSCLC patients with BM.



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How to Cite

“Brain Metastasis from Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Management and Prognosis of Primary Lung Tumor Resection ”. Human Brain, vol. 2, no. 4, Dec. 2023,

How to Cite

“Brain Metastasis from Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Management and Prognosis of Primary Lung Tumor Resection ”. Human Brain, vol. 2, no. 4, Dec. 2023,





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Copyright (c) 2023 Donghang Li, Hongfeng Tong, Yaoguang Sun, Qingjun Wu, Chao Ma, Wenxin Tian, Chuan Huang, Hanbo Yu, Yi Tian, Peng Jiao

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