Nurbs continuity

Applications in architecture, product and digital fabrication


  • Federico Del Blanco García Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, DCTA
  • Ismael García Ríos Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, DIGA
  • Ana González Uriel Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, DIGA
  • Miguel Fernández Cabo Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, DCTA



NURBS, Computer Aided Design, Construction technology, Algorithm thinking, Architectural geometry, Digital fabrication, Parameterization


The increasing complexity in contemporary architectural design has given rise to free-form surfaces that cannot be solved by traditional design and construction methods. The study of the continuity of NURBS surfaces and curves becomes especially relevant, either to segment a complex surface in fragments that allow its rationalization, or for the design through the aggregation of several surfaces looking for the uniformity of the whole. Different methods of establishing continuity between NURBS are analyzed, taking into account the different parameters that define the NURBS and their influence on the level of smoothness and deviation obtained.


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Research Articles (Special Issue)

How to Cite

Nurbs continuity: Applications in architecture, product and digital fabrication. (2023). TECHNO REVIEW. International Technology, Science and Society Review Revista Internacional De Tecnología, Ciencia Y Sociedad, 13(4), 1-18.

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