Author Guidelines
Aims and scope
TECHNO Review (ISSN: 2695-9933) is a peer-reviewed journal that offers a space for dialogue and the publication of innovative theories, analyses, and practices related to science, technology, knowledge, and society. It has an interdisciplinary scope: it provides a meeting point between scientists, technologists, and engineers concerned about humanities and social matters and philosophers, historians, political scientists, and economists interested in the increasing impact of science and technological innovation in diverse fields of human life and the social sphere. The journal welcomes research articles, critical reflection articles, and systematic review articles. The journal is peer-reviewed (doubly anonymous) and publishes papers written in Spanish and English.
Types of articles
Research articles
Papers that communicate the results of research that adds innovative and significant knowledge, for the construction or consolidation of a specific field of knowledge. The articles sent to this section will be peer reviewed. The minimum word count for this submission is 5000 words.
Critical reflection articles
Papers with an academic nature that go back to the results of research to delve into the subject above. The articles sent to this section are reviewed by the Scientific Committee of the journal. The minimum word count for this submission is 3000 words.
Systematic Review Articles
Papers that sum up the results of studies or research available in a specific discipline. They stand out for their significant bibliographic references and for presenting the "state of the art" in an organized way so the researchers of other disciplines could quickly have a clear vision of the matter. The articles sent to this section are reviewed by the Scientific Committee of the journal. The minimum word count for this submission is 5000 words.
- Manuscripts should be submitted in Word (Docx or Doc) according to the format.
- Use a bold font for headings (10-point Times Roman) and a standard, plain font (10-point Times Roman) for text.
- Line spacing must be single line spaced.
- Use the automatic page numbering function to number the pages.
- Abbreviations should be defined at the first use.
- The body text of the manuscripts must contain a Title (repeated here) and an Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Literature Review, Method, Result, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, Conflict of interest, and References.
- The abstract must not exceed 300 words and follow the IMRC pattern.
- Keywords should range from three to eight.
- Main headings including Introduction, literature review, Method, Result, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, and References, do NOT need numbers.
Figures and Tables
- Figures and tables must be cited in consecutive order in the text, e.g., (Fig. 1A–D), (Table 1), (Figs 1C, 2, 3B).
- Tables, which should be in a plain format, are numbered and include a definitive title at the top.
- Table footnotes may be used to define abbreviations, signs, or other terminology within the table.
- Tables must be present in certain positions in the main body text.
- All figures (including graphs and plots) must also be submitted as separate files with the format of TIFF or JEPG. The position of figures in the text should be indicated. Captions of figures must be included after references.
- Figures shall be sharp and of high contrast resolution. Figures’ scale, directions, and grid elements must be labeled carefully.
- Figures of humans and parts of their bodies must be demonstrated by written participants’ consent.
- All tables and figures shall be cited in the main body.
- All tables’ titles and figures’ captions must start with the capital letter of the first word.
From November 2023, all articles must be submitted in the English language.
References & Citation
The list of references should only include works cited in the text and the opposite. Papers presented at meetings but not yet published or accepted for publication and unpublished data should be mentioned in the references (e.g. (In press)). Do not use footnotes or endnotes as a substitute for a source.
We follow the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition style.
References examples:
Journal Articles
Kim, M. G., Brown, D. K., & Brand, O. (2020). Nanofabrication for all-soft and high-density electronic devices based on liquid metal. Nature communications, 11(1), 1-11.
Journal articles with more than 7 authors: First 6 authors ... last author. and follow by date and other information.
Li, P., Chen, S., Dai, H., Yang, Z., Chen, Z., Wang, Y., ... & Duan, H. (2021). Recent advances in focused ion beam nanofabrication for nanostructures and devices: Fundamentals and applications. Nanoscale, 13(3), 1529-1565.
Conference papers
Mansy, S.S. (2010). Building cell-like structures from the bottom-up. In Editors’ First Initial. Editor Surname (Ed.), Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology (p. 3). Italy: Association for Computing Machinery.
Morange, M. (2000). A history of molecular biology. Harvard University Press.
Book chapter
Wood, B. J. (2012). Vinegar. In M. R. Adams (Ed.), Microbiology of Fermented Foods (pp. 1-44). London, UK: Springer Science & Business Media.
Online Documents
Salviniales (2011, 17 January). Encyclopaedia Britannica. Retrieved from
Minchul, G. (2015). Isolation and Identification of Lactic Acid Bacteria from Swedish Foods (Doctoral thesis). Örebro University.
Translated sources
Basu, P. (2000). Biomass gasification and pyrolysis: practical design and theory. (Translator M Pezeshki & H Heidari Tabrizi, Trans.). Academic Press.
Note: If the text is in a non-Latin alphabet, this must be translated into the language of the manuscript and the language of paper must be mentioned at the end of the references.
Ebrahimzade, M. & Mehrabi, M. (2019). Assessing the effects of auxin along with calcium and nitrate concentration alterations on the biomass and alkaloids in H. arachnoideus Pojark tissue cultures. Journal of Plant Research (Iranian Journal of Biology), 31(4), 756-768. (in Persian).
Editorial process and peer review
All articles are reviewed by reviewers external to the journal. The Editors-in-Chief (EiC) oversee assigning reviewers based on their expertise on the topic of the works. The editorial decision is made by the EiC, who can rely on the editorial board members. Article decisions are of four types: accepted, accepted with minor recommendations, accepted with major recommendations, and rejected.
Special issues policies
These are the guidelines regarding the special issue proposals and publication:
- The journal accepts special issues as long as they meet certain quality indicators (expertise and trajectory of the Guest Editors, international authorship, works within the thematic scope of the proposed issue).
- Thematic issues must be within the scope of the journal. The EiCs are responsible for evaluating the proposals received and deciding which are accepted and which are not.
- Special issues will follow the same editorial process as regular issues: at least two external reviewers per article following the double-blind method.
- Guest Editors only propose a final recommendation on submitted works, but the EiCs are who make the final approval.
- The committee and the editorial office will regularly monitor Guest Editors and their activity in the journal.
- Guest Editors may not publish research or other articles. They can only publish the Editorial section.
All those interested in proposing a special issue should send an email to The special issue must contain: title, scope, topics/keywords, guest editors (full name, affiliation, ORCID and email), prospective list of papers including authorship, and submission deadline.
Conflicts of Interest
Authors must disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations.
Ethical issues
Those research articles that comprise medical, psychological, or physical interventions and clinical trials must present a registration code (with URL and date of registration) and official ethical committee approval and/or permission for their research.
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered by users on this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.