Analysis of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) with an Atypical Terminal Efficiency
MOOC, completion rate, technological competenceAbstract
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have generated great expectations since they empower online education by providing students, teachers and the community in general, a new way of building knowledge. However, when measuring the efficiency of the MOOCs there is no consensus on the methodology to calculate how successful they are. This document presents a comparative analysis between 12 MOOCs from different academic areas taught by one Latin-American University, who is a pioneer in offering education through the Coursera platform. Within the analysis, we highlight a MOOC with a completion rate exceeding 20%. In order to identify the factors that influenced the atypical completion rate the results include a description of the participants’ characteristics, their access and management of technology as well as the strategies implemented by the instructors and academic staff to generate, for participants, a motivating virtual environment of learning. Results suggest that educational institutions must establish criteria for the design and implementation of MOOCs aiming to offer participants qualitycontent and enriching experiences.
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