Structural analysis as a tool for the elaboration of socio-cultural diagnosis located


  • Federico Fernández UE-CISOR (CONICET-UNJU)
  • Sebastián Matías Peralta UE-CISOR (CONICET-UNJU)
  • Patricia Marisel Arrueta UE-CISOR (CONICET-UNJU)



Socio-cultural analysis, Structure, Referential diagnostics, Native communities, Networks, Mapping, Territories


This work was based on a research project whose general objective was the development of a diagnostic referential model created from the construction of a mixed database. Our starting point was bases on a structural analysis of a historical and situated nature, which has enabled us to recognize central elements that allow a more precise planning of the socio-cultural consequences of actions to be developed in the field by private or state agencies; taking into account, above all, the conditions of precariousness and marginality in which the populations analyzed here find themselves.


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How to Cite

Structural analysis as a tool for the elaboration of socio-cultural diagnosis located. (2022). TECHNO REVIEW. International Technology, Science and Society Review Revista Internacional De Tecnología, Ciencia Y Sociedad, 11(5), 1-15.

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