Neuroscience Tools in Branding and Packaging Marketing Research




Neuromarketing consumer, Neuroscience Tools , Branding, Packaging, Marketing Research


Understanding how the consumer perceives, evaluates, and chooses products, allows companies to optimize packaging design and add value that contributes to branding strategies. The evaluation of branding and packaging is a complex issue that involves cognitive processes and brain mechanisms, such as attention, memory, emotions, reward systems and decision-making. In this context, the main objective of this paper is to carry out a review of the main neuroscience tools applied to marketing research on branding and packaging by examining their theoretical basis, main metrics, advantages, limitations and uses in the study field.

Author Biography

  • Víctor José Cerro Rodríguez, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

    Profesor Universidad y Consultor en el área de Marketing


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How to Cite

Neuroscience Tools in Branding and Packaging Marketing Research. (2022). TECHNO REVIEW. International Technology, Science and Society Review Revista Internacional De Tecnología, Ciencia Y Sociedad, 11(2), 347-370.

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