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Brain pathological changes from population-based studies

  • Yuan Cao
  • Mei-Ying Huang
  • Mei-Jun Shu
  • Yi-Cheng Zhu


Brain structural and cerebrovascular changes and neurodegenerative pathologies are common and inadequately elucidated health problems in aging brains. Prospective population-based neuropathological studies play a unique role in neuropathological research. Brain weight decrease, arteriopathy, venular collagenosis, capillary loss, and accumulation of abnormal proteins are significant pathologies in the aging process. However, studies based on true population samples are scarce, and there is an ambiguity regarding the pathogenic proteinopathy between normal aging and neurodegenerative disease. Therefore, together population-based pathological studies offer an insight into the brain changes and diseases in the aging process, which could bring progress in the research for mechanisms and therapeutic interventions. Here, we reviewed findings from truly population-based pathological studies of brain aging and a range of neurodegenerative markers to better characterize brain pathological changes.



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How to Cite

“Brain Pathological Changes from Population-Based Studies”. Human Brain, vol. 1, no. 1, Nov. 2022, pp. 63-76, .

How to Cite

“Brain Pathological Changes from Population-Based Studies”. Human Brain, vol. 1, no. 1, Nov. 2022, pp. 63-76, .


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