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Lipotoxicity, the role in the process of atherosclerosis

  • Jiayao Li
  • Xiao Zhang
  • Zixuan Xing
  • Yixin Sun
  • Shengyan Cui
  • Xintao Lv
  • Shuaiwei Guo
  • Liqun Jiao
  • Wenjing Li
  • Tao Wang


Background: Atherosclerosis (AS) is a growing problem in the elderly population causing a variety of diseases with high mortality and disability rates. Lipotoxicity plays an important role in the process of AS. Aim: This review aims to summarize the characteristics of glucose and lipid metabolism, local pathological changes of arteries and functional changes or death of perivascular cells in the process of lipotoxicity. Result: From the perspective of lipotoxicity and aging, we review the current understanding of the relationship between lipid metabolism and the development of atherosclerosis, and discuss the corresponding pharmacological treatment options. Conclusion: Various metabolic factors can lead to lipotoxicity, which in turn affects the vascular wall and various cells within the blood vessels, leading to the development of atherosclerosis. Clarifying the role of lipotoxicity in atherosclerosis provides a new perspective for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.



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“Lipotoxicity, the Role in the Process of Atherosclerosis”. Human Brain, vol. 3, no. 2, Oct. 2024,

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“Lipotoxicity, the Role in the Process of Atherosclerosis”. Human Brain, vol. 3, no. 2, Oct. 2024,





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Copyright (c) 2024 Jiayao Li , Wenjing Li, Liqun Jiao, Shuaiwei Guo, Xintao Lv, Shengyan Cui, Yixin Sun, Zixuan Xing, Xiao Zhang, Tao Wang

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