













韩晗(武汉大学中文系2010级博士生):《电子媒介、大学生活与基督教传播   ——以Z大校内“基督教传播方式”为对象的调查分析》;



廖翔慧(四川大学道教与宗教文化研究所博士,川北医学院教师):《传媒与天主教徒归信 ——基于成都平原天主教的调查》

Notes for the Angel Essay Prize


Sino-Finnish Angel Academic Essay Prize 
In order to encourage Chinese students/scholars to study the interaction between multimedia (especially Radio, TV, internet, 3G etc.) and Christianity in the contemporary China, after the successful experience of the First time, we announce the Second annual Sino-Finnish AngelAcademic Essay Prize established as follows:
1. Organizer: Sino-Finnish Angel Essay Prize Committee
Chairperson: Professor Dr. Paulos Huang (Director, Center of Sino-West Comparative Studies, Faculty of Arts, Jilin University) (Adjunct-Professor, Department of World Cultures, University of Helsinki)
2. Program
2.1 Excellent papers of the following topic are recommended from universities and research institutes
Topic: The Contemporary New Media and Chinese Christianity
Method: Sociological/religious field work, report and analysis
Type of essay and authors: Academic essay in Chinese language by Masters, Doctors and
Young Scholars from Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other places of the world
2.2 Evaluated by the committee with anonymous methods Each paper is examined by at least two scholars.
3. The Prizes (the quality will be placed first, and prize will not be issued if no good essays can be found.)
3.1 First Prize 1 (1000 euros x 1)
3.2 Second Prize 2 (500 euros x 2)
3.3 Third Prize 3 (300 euros x 3)
4. Referee Members of the Prize Review Panel (In the Order of Names’ Pinyin):
Chairpersons in China:
Professor Gao Shining (Rsearcher, Institute of World Religious Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
Professor Dr. Li Xiangping (Directore, Center of Religion and Society, East Normal University)
5. Date
The prize is issued once a year, and the deadline for submitting essays is May 31th each year.
Result will be made on August 31, and the Prizes will be issued later.
6. Documents: (Please follow Footnote Format and Requirements of International Journal of Sino-Western Studies )
For the Second Angel Essay Prize in 2012, each candidate is asked to send the following documents
6.1 his/her essay (Word 2003, SimSun/Time New Roman12, line distance 1.5; 10 000 -12 000,Chinese characters)
6.2 the English abstract of essay (Word 2003, SimSun/Time New Roman12, line distance 1.5; pages in Chinese, half a page abstract and 15 pages digest in English)
6.3 a CV of the author (Address, email, tel, etc.) both in Chinese and English (1 page each)
7. Documents are asked to send to the email address: sfprize@gmail.com 
为促进华人学生/学者研究新媒体(特别是广播,电视,网络等) 与基督宗教在当代中国的互动,现特公告“中芬天使学术论文奖”征文活动如下:
1. 组织者: 中芬天使学术论文奖委员会
主席: 黄保罗教授 (吉林大学文学院匡亚明讲座教授、芬兰赫尔辛基大学世界文化系兼职博导教授、《国学与西学:国际学刊》及英文版Brill Yearbook of Chinese Theology主编)
2. 项目计划
论文主题: 当代新媒体与中国基督教
论文写作方法: 社会学/宗教学个案实证、调查、报告及分析
论文类型: 硕士、博士及青年教师撰写的学术论文(中文)
参与者范围: 包括中国大陆,港澳台甚至是国外用中文写作者
3. 奖金 (保证质量,宁缺毋滥)
3.1 一等奖一名(一千欧元)
3.2 二等奖两名(各五百欧元)
3.3 三等奖三名(各三百欧元)
4. 评审委员会主席及委员(按姓名拼音顺序)
高师宁教授 (中国社会科学院世界宗教研究所研究员)
李向平教授 (华东师范大学宗教与社会研究中心主任)
5. 日期
本奖每年评审一次,论文提交截止日期为每年5 月31 日,8 月31 日公布结果, 颁奖仪式择期举行
6. 材料(参考《国学与西学国际学刊注释体例及要求》)
参与2012 年评奖的学生/学者须提交下述材料
6.1 中文论文一篇(Word 2003格式, SimSun/Time New Roman12号字体,行距1.5; 一万至一
6.2 中英文论文提要各一份 (Word 2003格式, SimSun/Time New Roman12号字体,行距1.5;
中文5 页,英文提要半页,摘要15 页)
6.3作者简历(含通讯地址,电子邮件及电话等, 中英文各一页)
7. 材料提交电子信箱地址: sfprize@gmail.com