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Richard Bradley’s A Short Historical Account of Coffee (1715) and The Virtue and Use of Coffee (1721)

  • Fernando E. Vega


Richard Bradley published A Short Historical Account of Coffee in 1715, an extremely rare book of which only three copies are known. A revised version of the book, entitled The Virtue and Use of Coffee, was published in 1721. Bradley’s 1714 trip to the Physic Garden in Amsterdam, where he examined two coffee trees, led to his two coffee books, whose similarities and differences, including the evolution of the two different coffee engravings, are discussed in detail. This article reveals insights into the milieu in which Bradley lived, his interactions with other members of the Royal Society, and the reasons why his 1715 book is so rare. The various introductions of coffee plants to England in the late 17th and early 18th century are discussed, as well as Bradley’s skirmish with James Douglas, who was critical of Bradley’s coffee work.



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  2. Anonymous (1715). The Present State of Great-Britain and Ireland (Third edition). London.
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  4. Anonymous (1857). Catalogue de la Bibliothèque Scientifique de MM. de Jussieu. Paris.
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  14. Bradley, R. (1721b). The Plague at Marseilles Consider’d. London.
  15. Bradley, R. (1721c). A Philosophical Account of the Works of Nature. London.
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  22. Douglas, J. (1725). Lilium Sarniense: or, a Description of the Guernsay-Lilly. To Which is Added the Botanical Dissection of the Coffee Berry. London.
  23. Douglas, J. (1727a). Arbor Yemensis fructum cofè ferens: or, a Description and History of the Coffee Tree. London.
  24. Douglas, J. (1727b). A Supplement to the Description of the Coffee-Tree, Lately Published by Dr. Douglas. London. [According to von Hünnersdorff and Hasenkamp (2002) this publication was issued “both separately and together” with Douglas 1727a].
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  40. Lindeboom, G. A. (editor), (1962). Analecta Boerhaaviana. Vol. III. Leiden.
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  43. Miller, P. (1754). The Gardeners Dictionary. Fourth Edition, Vol. II. London.
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  52. Royal Society, (1718). A List of the Royal Society of London Instituted by His Majesty King Charles II. For the Advancement of Natural Knowledge. With the Places of Abode of most of its Member. As Also an Advertisement, shewing what Subjects seem most suitable to the Ends of its Institution. London.
  53. Sloane, H. (1694). An account of a prodigiously large feather of the bird cuntur, brought from Chili, and supposed to be a kind of vultur; and of the coffee-shrub. Philosophical Transactions, 18(208), 61–64.
  54. Stephen, L. (editor), 1921–1922. Dictionary of National Biography 2: 1080.
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  57. Ukers, W. H. (1922). All About Coffee. New York.
  58. Vega, F. E. (2008). The rise of coffee. American Scientist 96: 138–145.
  59. Walters, S. M. (1981). The Shaping of Cambridge Botany. Cambridge.
  60. Wellman, F. L. (1961). Coffee: Botany, Cultivation, and Utilization. London.
  61. Wirth, B. (2007). Maria Sibylla Merian, Baltasar Scheid und Richard Bradley–Die Künstlerin und Naturforscherin, ein Kaufmann und ein Botaniker. Annals of the History of Philosophy and Biology 12: 115–153.
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  63. Wulf, A. (2008). The Brother Gardeners: Botany, Empire, and the Birth of an Obsession. New York.

How to Cite

Richard Bradley’s A Short Historical Account of Coffee (1715) and The Virtue and Use of Coffee (1721). (2021). Biosis: Biological Systems, 2(3), 315-328.

How to Cite

Richard Bradley’s A Short Historical Account of Coffee (1715) and The Virtue and Use of Coffee (1721). (2021). Biosis: Biological Systems, 2(3), 315-328.




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