Specific Educational Needs Current Legal Aspect 2021-2022 in Ecuador- Senescyt
Inclusion, Special educational needs-SEN, Higher education, Effectiveness, Legal frameworkAbstract
In Ecuador, education has been considered a fundamental human right and the State has the responsibility to guarantee its universal and equitable access. In addition, the Organic Law of Intercultural Education (LOEI) establishes the legal framework for education in the country. In this sense, governments have a responsibility to provide inclusive and equitable education for all, regardless of their individual differences. In Ecuador, the SENESCYT (Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation).
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Copyright (c) 2023 Alexandra Irrazabal Bohorquez, Gardenia Gonzalez Orbea, Karina Córdova Tamayo, Michael Pimentel Elbert, Jacqueline Avilés Salazar, Norma Garcés Garcés

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