Venezuelan Immigration and Social Stigmatization in Peru
Individual and Social Perception of the Peruvian Population
Social stigma, Stigmatization factors, Citizen perception, Venezuelan migration, PeruAbstract
The political and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela has led to a forced exodus of approximately 4 million people, generating a significant impact in Latin America. Peru is one of the countries that has received a large number of Venezuelan migrants. This study focuses on the individual and social perceptions of Peruvians regarding the stigma towards Venezuelan immigrants in Peru. Factors of stigmatization such as labor competition, crime, and strain on public services are identified. Through a mixed-method approach of questionnaires and interviews, 180 Peruvian residents were surveyed.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Aleixandre Brian Duche-Pérez , Yessica Raquel Ruiz-Fernández, Víctor Daniel Mateo Peralta-Valencia

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