Evaluation of the usability of the usability of a medical assistance software applying heuristic rules
Usability, Heuristic rules, Telemedicine, Medical Assistance, SoftwareAbstract
The objective of this research is to evaluate the usability of a telemedicine system developed by the authors through the RUP (Rational Unified Process) methodology, since it is a rigorous method whose purpose is to ensure the production of high-quality software. Usability was evaluated by a group of experts using an instrument based on the Nielsen heuristic rules model. The results indicate that the usability is between "very good" and "excellent" so it is very acceptable. However, some items with low value were presented as recognition before I remember, derived from the fact that the links of the system are not easily identified by the user, therefore, derived from the above, the corresponding improvements will be made.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Miriam Janet Cervantes López, Guadalupe Esmeralda Rivera García, Juan Carlos Ramírez Vázquez, Arturo Llanes Castillo, Jaime Cruz Casados

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