The Pharmacy in the New Era of Artificial Intelligence

Pharmacy and Artificial Intelligence


  • Monica Doralis Ortega Urbano Universidad Santiago de Cali



Artificial intelligence, Pharmacy, Health, Chatbots, Pharmacological therapy, Pharmacy inventory, Disease detection


Artificial intelligence has become a key piece of human knowledge and due to its importance, it has been a fundamental tool for various areas. One of the applications of AI can be seen in the health domain, particularly in pharmacy, various efforts have been made to solve tasks in an automated way in the pharmaceutical area, which range from the distribution of drugs, the interaction from chatbots with patients and follow-up medical control, to support to find a diagnosis. This article describes relevant research in the area, providing an overview of the importance of AI in pharmacy.


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How to Cite

Ortega Urbano, M. D. (2023). The Pharmacy in the New Era of Artificial Intelligence : Pharmacy and Artificial Intelligence. TECHNO REVIEW. International Technology, Science and Society Review Revista Internacional De Tecnología, Ciencia Y Sociedad, 13(3), 1–11.