Listening to the Centennial Consumer through Sensory Experience

The Professional Simulator as a Learning Tool for Experiential Marketing


  • Marta Gotor Cuairán Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Dolores Lucía Sutil Martín Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • María Asunción Sacristán Navarro Universidad Rey Juan Carlos



Teaching innovation, Experiencial learning, Professional simulator, Consumer psychology, Experiencial marketing, Sensory marketing


This study, as suggested by the EEES, arises as a response to the need to strengthen the university´s link with the business world, using professional simulators based on experiential learning, which unifies methodologies and develops the skills that are required in real business scenarios in the area of Marketing and Advertising.  Through laboratory dynamics, the students learned and applied consumer and preference research techniques in the field of sensory marketing, with an immersion connected between the university classroom and the business Atelier in the Spanish dermo-cosmetic sector.

Author Biography

  • María Asunción Sacristán Navarro, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

    Business Economics (ADO), Applied Economics II, and Fundamentals of Economic Analysis

    Area: Business Organization


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How to Cite

Listening to the Centennial Consumer through Sensory Experience: The Professional Simulator as a Learning Tool for Experiential Marketing. (2022). TECHNO REVIEW. International Technology, Science and Society Review Revista Internacional De Tecnología, Ciencia Y Sociedad, 11(2), 237-256.

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