The Use of the Social-Humanistic Knowledge Seen from the Information and Communications Technologies
Open Access, Social and Humanistic Knowledge, UseAbstract
This article is part of a doctoral research, which examines one aspect of the use of information technology and communications in the first decade of the 21st century, in a given area of knowledge: humanities and social sciences. The objective of the investigations is to demonstrate from this area of knowledge that the reality on the use of these technologies has almost always been on the opposite side, creating new divisions or deepening existing ones. Far from eliminating repeti-tive, boring, tedious work, this area of knowledge improves access to information, training and quality of social justice anddemocracy. The methods used were Observations, Analysis an Synthesis, and Documentary Analysis, especially when apply-ing the technique of content analysis of literature and statistical data. In this work are revealed different uses of the social-humanistic knowledge in digitizing this information using informatics. In the investigation are proposed the methods to employ this knowledge to build a better future from the use of instruments that favor their application. Technology: for whomand for what? Neither the objectives nor the instruments can be neutral with respect to these questions.
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