Socialization Policy in the Knowledge Society


  • Carlos Campo Sánchez Escuela Universitaria de Magisterio ESCUNI
  • José Manuel Mansilla Morales Escuela Universitaria de Magisterio ESCUNI



Socialization Policy, Knowledge Society, Sociology, Social Networks


In recent times, mankind has been able to optimize the scientific and technological advances exceptionally, trans-forming history as no other event had done since Neolithic times and ensuring the emergence of a new society "information-al", "technology" or "knowledge ". Technology has played a prominent role in these changesdynamic phenomena such as digital  globalization  has  changed  paradigms,  social  patterns  and  habits  of  millions  of  individual ́s  roles.  The  traditional mechanisms of political socialization are implemented by the emergence of new technologies in the population. In this con-text  we  propose  how  they  perform  the  processes  of  political  socialization  of  citizens  today.  The  plurality  of  languages  and sensibilities,  the  crisis  of  the  usual  paradigms,  and  the  integration  into  broader,  political  units  requires  us  to  explore  new spaces and forms of education / political socialization. In this paper we aim, firstly, to ask what's new in technological so-cialization and in the second stage, what implications this has on the construction of a new mode of political education.


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How to Cite

Campo Sánchez, C., & Mansilla Morales, J. M. (2016). Socialization Policy in the Knowledge Society. TECHNO REVIEW. International Technology, Science and Society Review Revista Internacional De Tecnología, Ciencia Y Sociedad, 4(1), 57–67.



Research articles