Knowledge Level Programming and Development of Automated Information Systems


  • Sandy Romero Universidad de La Guajira
  • Jaider Quintero Universidad de La Guajira



Software, Programming, System, Information, Knowledge


The aim of study was to analyze the level of knowledge in programming and its relationship to the development of information systems (IS) students in Systems Engineering from the University of La Guajira. We used a descriptive methodology, correlational, non-experimental  design, transactional field, the population was 320 students, applying  probability sampling, stratified proportional sample being made  up  of  120  students,  for  the  data  collection  instrument  was  applied consists of 45 Likert-type items. For the treatment of the data was used descriptive statistics. The results show that the level of knowledge of engineering students is medium, because not everyone has a good attitude towards programming and soft-ware  development,  most  are  good  theoretical  knowledge,  but  in  practice  and  experience  scheduling  the  result  is  low,  as practiced little  and  have little experience. Regarding the  relationship between the level  of  knowledge in programming and software development is directly proportional because the higher the level of knowledge of the students will be more compe-tent to develop SI and vice versa. Consequently it is recommended that all systems engineering programs and related careers that students acquire the knowledge and skills required in programming, to develop SI quality, as these are playing an ever more innovative in the Company, enabling solutions companies and introducing significant changes in each of the areas of knowledge.


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How to Cite

Romero, S., & Quintero, J. (2016). Knowledge Level Programming and Development of Automated Information Systems. TECHNO REVIEW. International Technology, Science and Society Review Revista Internacional De Tecnología, Ciencia Y Sociedad, 3(2), 55–74.



Research articles