Technique, Normativity and Supernatural: OntologyFor a World of Artifacts


  • Jesús Vega Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



Ortega y Gasset, technology, super-nature, artifacts, normativity


In this paper, the significance of the category of "super-nature" in Ortega y Gasset's thoughts on technology is discussed. The paper proposes to view Ortega y Gasset's Meditation on Technicsfrom some recent ideas on the ontology of artifacts: these are to be considered as having a realitydependent on the fact that they contribute to shape a normative space of agency for human beings.The world of the artificial has to be viewed as endowed with a dimension of normative intelligibility. I will argue that the category of "super-nature" does not finally help to place artifacts with inanappropriate ontological framework, because it falls prey of a traditional conception of technics: technics belongs to a realm that is placed out of that which provides value, that is, a pre-technical life project. Artifacts will be then thought as being at the service of this program and do not participate, throughhuman practical experience, in the task of creating a space of genuine normative demands.


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Research articles

How to Cite

Technique, Normativity and Supernatural: OntologyFor a World of Artifacts. (2012). TECHNO REVIEW. International Technology, Science and Society Review Revista Internacional De Tecnología, Ciencia Y Sociedad, 1(1), 11-24.