Technique as a Human Way to Forge Life: Philosophical-Pedagogical Perspectives of "Meditation on Technique"
Ortega y Gasset, Technique, human needs, human activities, denaturalization, fantasy, desires, vital projects, technologies, education, culture, creationAbstract
Ortega's reflection on Technique articulates with his entire metaphysical, anthropological, ethical thinking and so the original features of a theory with great importance from the educationaland cultural standpoint of view. Especially in Meditación de la técnica, the author maintains the thesis that, if through technique man creates a "second nature", it doesn't mean necessarily dehumanization. However, actual human aspirations are essential to each of us to be fulfilled in his or hertechnical dimension. Using Ortega's language, the technique that distinguishes our species entails(and no educator can forget it) fantasy, desires, life projects that make human beings so special.
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