RETRACTION NOTICE: Examining the impact of covid on the psychosocial profile and academic performance of university students. A pre-post study


  • Óscar Gavín-Chocano Universidad de Jaén
  • Inmaculada García Martínez Universidad de Granada



Pre-post study, Emotional intelligence, Academic performance, Life satisfaction


Retraction note: Gavín Chocano, O., & García Martínez, I. (2023). Examining the impact of covid on the psychosocial profile and academic performance of university students. A pre-post study. TECHNO REVIEW. International Technology, Science and Society Review Revista Internacional De Tecnología, Ciencia Y Sociedad, 15(1), 2–13.

The Editorial Office of Eurasia Academic Publishing Group has retracted this article. An investigation carried out by our Research Integrity Department has found a group of articles, among which this one is found, that are not within the thematic scope of the journal. We believe that the editorial process was manipulated and, furthermore, acceptance decisions were made under possibly inappropriate peer review.


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How to Cite

RETRACTION NOTICE: Examining the impact of covid on the psychosocial profile and academic performance of university students. A pre-post study. (2024). TECHNO REVIEW. International Technology, Science and Society Review Revista Internacional De Tecnología, Ciencia Y Sociedad, 16(1).

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