How did covid19 affect online postgraduate students? A case study


  • Alejandro M. Rosas Mendoza Instituto Politécnico Nacional / CICATA-Legaria
  • Juan Gabriel Molina Zavaleta Instituto Politécnico Nacional / CICATA-Legaria


COVID-19 pandemic, Online master, Active teachers, Technological platform, Emotional conflicts, Institutional pressure


We present 2 cases of active mathematics teachers, meanwhile study in an online and asynchronous master’s program in Educational Mathematics, and the complications they experienced with the closure of the schools where they teach due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The shift from face-to-face classes to online classes required them to learn new tools and develop new skills, forcing them to spend more time preparing for their classes and less time on their master’s studies. The result was that instead of graduating in 4 or 5 semesters, students took 6 or 7 semesters to complete their research and write their thesis.


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