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The Ecological Niche of Pistacia Vera L. (Anacardiaceae) in Central Asia: A Comprehensive Tool for Agromeliorative Planning

  • Dmitry Malakhov
  • Anastasia Islamgulova


A model of the ecological niche of the nut fruit Pistacia vera has been developed based on known locations in Central Asia and an analysis of abiotic environmental variables in order to map out the area of optimal conditions for both the wild and domesticated forms. The model reveals a much larger area of suitability for the species than it presently occupies. The list of key variables and their optimal ranges are compared with the known values of those which have been gathered from experiments on the ground and which are described in the available literature. Most of the optimal values modeled for the key variables appear to resemble the known experimental ranges. The meaning and impact of most of the key variables in relation to the species’ life cycle are found in the physiological and ecological peculiarities of P. vera’s development at different stages as described in the literature. Unexplained variables may imply a gap in our knowledge of the pistachio and its interrelations with the environment; and point the direction of further study of the biology of the pistachio. The value of the model is the potential application of the results along with existing practical recommendations regarding pistachio cultivation in order to establish guidelines regarding the conservation and commercial cultivation of P. vera in Kazakhstan.



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How to Cite

The Ecological Niche of Pistacia Vera L. (Anacardiaceae) in Central Asia: A Comprehensive Tool for Agromeliorative Planning. (2021). Biosis: Biological Systems, 2(1), 209-216.

How to Cite

The Ecological Niche of Pistacia Vera L. (Anacardiaceae) in Central Asia: A Comprehensive Tool for Agromeliorative Planning. (2021). Biosis: Biological Systems, 2(1), 209-216.




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