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Spiroplasma burmanica sp. nov. (Spiroplasmataceae: Mollicutes) from a Fossil Plant Louse (Psylloidea: Sternorrhyncha) in mid-Cretaceous Burmese Amber


A new species of spiroplasmid, Spiroplasma burmanica sp. nov. (Mollicutes: Entomoplasmatales: Spiroplasmataceae) is described from the body cavity of a fossil plant louse (Psylloidea: Sternorrhyncha) in Burmese amber.  The new species is pleomorphic with body shapes varying from oval to helical.  The majority of the helical cells occur in the head, thorax (including leg cavities) and abdomen of the fossil psyllid.   The association between S. burmanica and the psyllid is considered to be a case of symbiosis, similar to extant relationships.  This discovery of the first fossil spiroplasmid shows that psyllids carried these microorganisms some 100 million years ago.



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How to Cite

Spiroplasma burmanica sp. nov. (Spiroplasmataceae: Mollicutes) from a Fossil Plant Louse (Psylloidea: Sternorrhyncha) in mid-Cretaceous Burmese Amber. (2020). Biosis: Biological Systems, 1(4), 157-163.

How to Cite

Spiroplasma burmanica sp. nov. (Spiroplasmataceae: Mollicutes) from a Fossil Plant Louse (Psylloidea: Sternorrhyncha) in mid-Cretaceous Burmese Amber. (2020). Biosis: Biological Systems, 1(4), 157-163.




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