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A Brief Review of Lizard Inclusions in Amber

  • Miaoyan Wang
  • Lida Xing


A total of 82 lizard specimens in amber have been reported around the world to date. Records of lizard inclusions extend from the Cretaceous to the Neogene: (1) Cretaceous lizard inclusions are dominated by Autarchoglossans from Lebanon and a diverse lizard fauna from Myanmar (Burma); (2) Paleogene lizard inclusions are relatively poorly preserved and are dominated by lacertids and gekkonids; (3) Neogene records are the most abundant, dominated by two extant genera, Anolis and Sphaerodactylus. Synthesizing important information from all reported specimens, we suggest that an investigation of lizard inclusions in amber is of great importance for the study of their evolution, community structure and adaptive radiation as well as the origin and evolution of adhesion mechanism in geckos, or the level of ancient faunal diversity.



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A Brief Review of Lizard Inclusions in Amber. (2020). Biosis: Biological Systems, 1(1), 39-53.

How to Cite

A Brief Review of Lizard Inclusions in Amber. (2020). Biosis: Biological Systems, 1(1), 39-53.





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