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A 3-Day Geological Field Trip in Qatar

  • Jacques LeBlanc


The author learned first-hand about the surface stratigraphy and geology of Qatar by dedicating most of his weekends at conducting field works and public guided field tours from 2007 to 2020 while employed by Qatar Petroleum (now QatarEnergy). Here, he summarizes his knowledge of the surface geology of Qatar in a 3-Day field trip designed to provide the participants a hands-on overview of the stratigraphy of the country. The field trip is based on his publication (LeBlanc, 2021) which is an integral part of this geological tour (the participants are referred to it on several occasions) and his other geological publications on Qatar referenced herein (LeBlanc, 2008, 2009, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2019). During this 3-day field trip, outcrops of the Lower Eocene Rus Formation, Middle Eocene Dammam Formation, Lower Miocene Dam Formation, Mio-Pliocene Hofuf Formation, as well as Pleistocene and Holocene deposits will be visited. The fieldtrip’s aim is to help the participants at recognizing the various formations and their members, as well as the most obvious features (faults, folds, dissolution, mineralization, fossils, etc..) that characterize them.



  1. Al-Kuwari Saeed, Puls Dave (2007). Qatar Arch Traverse. IPTC Geological Field trip. (November 2005 and updated March 2007)
  2. Cavelier Claude (1970a): Geologic description of the Qatar Peninsula (Arabian Gulf). Publ Government of Qatar, Dept of Petroleum Affairs [39 pp].
  3. Cavelier Claude (1970b): “Geological Survey and mineral substances exploration in Qatar”. BRGM – Bureau de recherches geologiques et minieres, Government of Qatar, Department of Petroleum Affairs. 109 pages
  4. Duggan, David James (2014). Karst prediction - Testing predictions against data, State of Qatar. Thesis for a Masters of Science, Geographical Information Systems. School of Geography, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom, October 2014.
  5. Duggan James, Jameson Jeremy, Ross Rob, Strohmenger Christian (2014). Testing Karst Hazard Predictions in Qatar. Presentation. ExxonMobil & Qatar Center for Coastal Research
  6. Hunting Geology and Geophysics Limited (1983). Geological interpretation of digitally enhanced Landsat imagery of Qatar: with color maps. 13 pages
  7. Jameson Jeremy, Strohmenger Christian J. (2014). Resolving Eustasy from Neotectonics in the Sea-Level History of the Pliocene to Holocene of Qatar. IPTC 17219. 12 pages.
  8. Kok, Cornelius P. (Cees) (2012). A geological field trip to Thakira, Al Khor area, State of Qatar: The Lower Eocene Rus Formation. Unpublished. 21 pages
  9. Kok, Cornelius P. (Cees), LeBlanc Jacques (2012). The Bir Zekreet Member: A new lithostratigraphical unit of the Dammam Formation in Qatar. 11 pages.
  10. LeBlanc Jacques (2008). A fossil hunting guide to the Tertiary formations of Qatar, Middle East. 82 pages. also on
  11. LeBlanc Jacques (2009). "A Fossil Hunting Guide to the Miocene of Qatar, Middle East: A Geological & Macro-Paleontological Investigation of the Dam Formation. 192 pages. also on
  12. LeBlanc Jacques (2014). Surface Geology and Paleontology of Qatar. Presentation made at the Qatar Natural History Group's Monthly meeting of February 5th, 2014. also on
  13. LeBlanc Jacques (2015). “A Historical account of the Stratigraphy of Qatar (1816 to 2015)” 1220 pages. also on
  14. LeBlanc Jacques (2017). Origin and types of silica in the Lower Eocene Carbonates of the Rus Formation, Qatar, Middle-East. 111 pages. also on
  15. LeBlanc Jacques (2019). Identification of the Middle Eocene Nautiloid Genera of Qatar, Middle East. 327 pages. also on
  16. LeBlanc Jacques (2021). A revised guide to the Cenozoic Surface Formations of Qatar, Middle East (excluding the islands). 94 pages. and
  17. Orndorff Randall C., Michael A. Knight, Joseph T. Krupansky, Khaled M. Al-Akhras, Robert G. Stamm, Umi Salmah Abdul Samad, Elalim Ahmed (2018). Linking geology and geotechnical engineering in Karst: The Qatar geologic mapping Project. 15TH SINKHOLE CONFERENCE. DOI: 10.5038/9780991000982.1015
  18. Purser B.H., C.W. Wagner, C.v.d.Togt, M.S. Thornton, M. W. Hughes Clarke (1973). Holocene Carbonate Sediments of the Southern Arabian Gulf. Shell's exploration Department. Pages: 0001-0256
  19. Rivers John M., Larson Kyle P. (2018). The Cenozoic kinematics of Qatar: Evidence for high-angle faulting along the Dukhan ‘anticline’. Marine and Petroleum Geology 92 (2018) 953–961.
  20. Rivers John M., Sabrina L. Skeat, Ruqaiya Yousif, Chengjie Liu, Elizabeth Stanmore, Po Tai, Sharifa M. Al-Marri (2019). The depositional history of near-surface Qatar aquifer rocks and its impact on matrix flow and storage properties. Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2019) 12:380.
  21. Seltrust Engineering Ltd (1985). Geology of Qatar. Scale=1:395,000, Hunting Geology and Geophysical Ltd. Available at Centre for the GIS (UPDA), Doha, Qatar.
  22. Warren, John (2016). Salty Matters: Silica mobility and replaced evaporites: 2) Silicified anhydrite nodules.
  23. Watson J.D, Watson D.M. (1959). A survey of the freshwater resources of Northern Qatar. LE GRAND ADSCO. 135 pages.

How to Cite

A 3-Day Geological Field Trip in Qatar. (2022). Biosis: Biological Systems, 3(1), e005.

How to Cite

A 3-Day Geological Field Trip in Qatar. (2022). Biosis: Biological Systems, 3(1), e005.




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