The Folkloric Literature in the Teacher's Classroom: a Way to Recover Tradition through Poetry and the Narration


  • Marcelo Emilio Bianchi Bustos Instituto Superior del Profesorado en Educación Inicial "Sara C. de Eccleston"


Children's Literature, Folk Literature, Narrative, Teaching, Higher Education, Didactics


The literature of folk tradition takes on special importance in the initial education. For that reason we decided to develop a project with the teaching students who were in the initial level so that they understand its importance and that, later on, they were able to apply a series of knowledge and strategies in the classroom. We theorized about the importance of narration and/or reading of diverse narrative and poetic texts of oral tradition of Latin American origin so that they could access the different cultures that today coexist in many of the gardens of Buenos Aires as a product of immigration.

Author Biography

Marcelo Emilio Bianchi Bustos, Instituto Superior del Profesorado en Educación Inicial "Sara C. de Eccleston"

Doctor del Programa de Postdoctorado en Ciencias Sociales, Interculturalidad y Educación (Universidad Santo Tomas). Ph.D. in Comparative Literature, Magíster en Enseñanza del Español, Especialista Superior en Literatura Infantil y Juvenil, Profesor de Castellano, Literatura e Historia, Licenciado en Lengua y la Comunicación, Especialista en Investigación, Especialista en Educación, Especialista en Educación de Adolescentes y Adultos. Ha sido becario del Fondo Nacional de las Artes. Miembro de Número de la Academia Argentina de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil.

Es Profesor del Instituto Superior del Profesorado en Educación Inicial “Sara C. de Eccleston” y Director del CIIE de Pilar. 


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