The Drawn Word: Visual Poetry and its Application in the Teaching of Art and Image
Shape, Perception, Visual Poetry, Image, DrawingAbstract
The purpose of this research focuses on the proposal of an artistic practical regarding ”visual poetry”, which forms part of the Fine Arts Bachelor Degree of the University of Murcia. This academic investigation began with the intention of developing new practical activities in the subject of Illustration capable of reinforcing the theoretical content, in this case: illustration, typography and visual language. The main objective will be to show the parallels existing between illustration and verbal poetry; we will go from image and the written word to the drawn word, from a verbal language to a visual one. In the preparation process, the student will apply techniques and knowledge acquired in the theoretical classes, as well as researching different works carried out previously by professionals. The final exercises will be classified and analysed according to the proposed theoretical content. From this first classification, the expressive impact of visual poetry and the new “paragrammatical” dimensions raised by the image of a verbal poem will be investigated. The drawn conclusions will show the new mental associations that arise beyond the deviation of the grammatical standard, in other words, image modifies the perception of what is written and activates a new interpretation of the text
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