Excellence and Innovation in Communication Technology: Reconstruction of a Debate between Wiesing, Levinson, Crowther y Seel


  • Carlos Ortiz de Landázuri Universidad de Navarra


Innovation, Image, Communication, Excellence


The criteria of excellence and innovation concerning the technologies of the communication that see affected by a big number of factors, but at the end there is one that prevails on all the other: The quality of the images used, as it occurs with National Geographic and Walt Disney, two companies of communication that have been leaders concerning the fixation of the standard criteria of excellence and innovation. In this context reconstructs the contemporary debate between Wiesing, Levinson, Crowther and Seel about the criteria of excellence and innovation used concerning the assessment of the quality of the mediated virtual images by part of the technologies of the communication, taking into account his four genetic dimensions, to know: retroductive, symbolic, contextual and strictly scenic.


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