General Cause. The Red Domination in Spain
The exhibition of the image as political propaganda
General Cause, Francoism, Photography, Propaganda, Handling, Political repression, SpainAbstract
This study aims to analyze the set of photographs included in the work Causa General. The red domination in Spain. Advance of the information instructed by the Public Ministry, published by the Ministry of Justice in December 1943, to find out its possible influence on the construction of the collective imaginary.
From this work three concepts emerge that will be the images associated with that period: anarchy, persecution of the church and the link between the republican government and Russia. As well as the transversal idea of the inevitability of the coup.
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Fuentes primarias utilizadas:
Causa General. La dominación roja en España. Avance la información instruida por el Ministerio Público. (1943). Ministerio de Justicia. (Edición original).
Datos complementarios para la Historia de España. Guerra de liberación 1936-1939. (1945). Sin autor ni editorial identificados. (Edición original).
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